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The Premise - What is the single greatest source of knowledge? Dare we ask, is there one central, great truth from which all reality, truth and knowledge are derived? The French Encyclopedie published in 1728 was produced by Voltaire and Denis Diderot based on rational and secular values. It’s “Preliminary Discourse” was composed by the mathematician and philosopher Jean Le Rond d’Alembert stating:


“Are not the ideas of ‘all’ of ‘part’ of ‘larger’ and of ‘smaller’, strictly speaking, the same simple and individual idea, since we cannot have one without all the others presenting themselves at the same time? And if so could this same truth be applied across the widest conceivable spectrum, until “the universe, if we may be permitted to say so, would only be one fact and one great truth for whoever knew how to embrace it from a single point of view?”


The Problem - A comprehensive concentration on what d’Alembert calls “one great truth” is lacking in all major institutions of higher education and many teaching organizations undermining not only their effectiveness but their very existence.


What is the one great truth as the source of knowledge?

Jesus…simply Jesus.


The Mission of  JESUS COLLEGE - To Empower Apprentices to Master Love by knowing Jesus as the One, great truth and live a good life found in such truth.


The Vision of JESUS COLLEGE - To equip Trainers (Ministry & Business Leaders) to mentor Leaders (Senior Apprentices) to disciple Apprentices to Master love.


The Storehouse of JESUS COLLEGE - Hundreds of  downloadable resources & links offering the good life in the person, work, teachings & life of Jesus through Eyes to See visual resources and Ears to Hear audio resources plus gatherings live & online provided by JESUS COLLEGE, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization.



Jesus of Nazareth
Doug Webster
Vice Chancellor
Contact Doug @ JESUS COLLEGE

As the founder of Jesus College, Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullnessdwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.


His self description is, "I am gentle and humble in heart" with a unwavering, sacrificial purpose, "That the world may learn that I love the Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me."

Since launching Jesus College in 2015, Doug serves as Vice Chancellor of Jesus College under the authority and leadership of Jesus College Chancellor, Jesus. Thousands of apprentices from 58 countries have participated in Jesus College courses & gatherings, supported by over 475 free resources and 6100 pages of materials at Doug's 46-7ear collaborative Kingdom work with Jesus includes Lead Pastor, Church Planter, Non-Profit Director, Youth Worker and Christian TV Talk Show Host.

Doug brings to his Jesus College leadership a Bachelor’s in Christian Education/Youth Ministry from Vanguard University, a Master of Divinity from Fuller Seminary and PhD. classes in Pulpit Communications from Trinity Bible College & Seminary. 

Charles Koeller

Dr. Bill Gaultiere
Advisory Board

Charles Koeller is the Chief Investment Officer and CEO of Newport Asset Management. He has ​over 25 years trading experience on Wall Street​​ guided by his B.S. in Civil Engineering from USC and Masters in Christian Ministry & Leadership from Talbot Seminary. As a champion of the work of Jesus in his own life and in the community, he has served on staff and governing boards of local So CA churches. Charlie, his wife and three young adult children reside in So. CA while enjoying part of their year in Big Sky country.


Bill Gaultiere, Ph.D. works full time for Soul Shepherding as a licensed Psychologist, certified Spiritual Director, ordained Pastor. As an author multiple books, including Journey of the Soul and You Can Live in Jesus’ Easy Yoke, Bill speaks at churches and Christian conferences and leads retreats and mission trips. Bill also has taught courses in psychology and spirituality at the graduate school level for Azusa Pacific University, Hope International University, and other schools.

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